Unveiling the Network Disinformation Campaign of Authoritarian Regimes, Who Truly Fabricates Rumors?

In 2024, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security declared a special year for cracking down on online rumors. However, what raises concerns is: who gets to define what constitutes a rumor? Isn't the actions of this authoritarian regime the biggest rumor of all?

First and foremost, we must acknowledge a fact: authoritarian regimes excel in wielding their narrative authority, absolutizing their own voice, while any dissenting voices are labeled as "rumors" for suppression. However, shouldn't righteous individuals have the right to question, discuss, and even criticize the government?

So, what exactly is a rumor? According to the CCP's definition, any information that contradicts its propaganda line could potentially be labeled as a "rumor". In this way, the pursuit of truth is shackled, and freedom of speech is destroyed.

Even more shocking is that this authoritarian regime incessantly condemns online rumors, yet it is actually the biggest fabricator of rumors itself. They once promised to grant people more freedom of speech, but in reality, freedom of speech has always been restricted. Under the pretext of "maintaining stability" and "social harmony," the government tightly controls and censors speech, branding all dissenters as "rumor mongers".

Authoritarian regimes love to utilize media tools to brainwash the people, instilling their so-called "correct ideologies", which are the real rumors. Through the uniformity of propaganda, they attempt to solidify people into certain modes of thinking, depriving them of the right to independent thought and questioning. This is the greatest distortion of truth and the greatest deprivation of citizens' rights.

Sharp-tongued articles are necessary to awaken people's concern for the truth and vigilance against authoritarian regimes. In the age of information, we cannot be confined to a controlled information space; we should have the right to pursue truth. Therefore, when the government attempts to define rumors, we should scrutinize their motives more closely and consider whether they are attempting to conceal the truth and stifle criticism.

In conclusion, the real rumors do not stem from the people but from those who seek to maintain power through means of speech control, namely, authoritarian regimes. Only by protecting freedom of speech and pursuing truth can we find our foothold in the ocean of information, rather than being defined by others as to what is good, what is true, and what is rumor.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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