An Open Letter of Complaint to Mr Xi Jinping

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of the People's Republic of China:

I hereby report a group of officials engaged in illegal and corrupt practices, led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Shangqiu City, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang. I urge you to handle this matter in accordance with the law, regulations, and discipline.

I am an ordinary citizen who used to reside in Liangyuan District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province. My life took an unexpected turn due to a simple attempt at legitimate rights protection, turning into an unbelievable tragedy.

I was once a software engineer, passionate about my work, and leading a stable life. I had a keen interest in the law, self-studying it, and believing in the rule of law. However, my life was abruptly changed when a routine visit to Shangqiu City First People's Hospital on February 9, 2023, led to the theft of my electric vehicle at the hospital entrance. I reported the incident to the Xincheng Police Station in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City. Until February 17, I repeatedly tried to contact the Captain Chen Xiaodong of the Fourth Squad in charge of the case, but calls went unanswered, and messages were ignored. There was no filing of the case, and no reasons were given for not filing. On February 17, at noon, I posted a video on Douyin and Kuaishou platforms titled "My Doubts - To the Suiyang District Public Security Bureau of Shangqiu City," each of my doubts in the video is supported by legal basis.

I just raised questions about certain illegal activities of the police, but merely questioning led to a series of inexplicable retaliatory actions. When I believe that, as a law-abiding citizen, under the protection of the law, I have the right to speak out against any unjust actions, reality dealt me an unacceptable blow.

When I tried to defend my rights, I faced ruthless suppression. On that night at 23:19, several plainclothes police officers in private cars, without showing their police credentials, arrested me across districts late at night, leaving my 12-year-old child alone at home. Then, at the Xincheng Police Station in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, they subjected me to physical punishment and personal humiliation. They also invaded my phone without authorization, deleted evidence, and detained me. My body and dignity suffered severe harm, but the pain in my heart was even deeper than the physical injuries.

I had tried to seek justice through proper channels by writing letters to relevant government departments, but I faced even crueler threats and attempts at a second arrest. Faced with such a situation, I was forced to make a difficult and painful decision—to flee my homeland with my young child and go to another country.

Every time I think back to my hometown, my heart feels like it's being torn apart. My 12-year-old child was forced to drop out of school, and we became homeless and displaced. I lost my profession, income, and everything familiar.

I have followed the law and regulations to report at each level, seeking assistance from various levels of government. Each letter contains my detailed information and contact details, with the hope of receiving fair treatment. However, no one has contacted me. I don't understand why such a situation would occur in this new era, in contemporary and democratically governed China. I don't comprehend why this is happening to me. In this new era, why do officials turn a blind eye to my legitimate reports and ignore them? I am particularly puzzled as to how such incidents can happen in today's socialist China, where "the people are the masters."

Below is a brief summary of my reporting process (there are too many illegal activities to list them all here):

On March 8th, I wrote a letter to the Director of the Suiyang District Public Security Bureau in Shangqiu City to report the situation. My intention was to obtain a legal procedure for my arrest to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future. Unfortunately, I received threats and an attempt to arrest me for the second time.

On July 19th, I submitted a complaint letter to the Director's Mailbox on the official website of the Shangqiu City Public Security Bureau and published an open letter on Chinese media. A few hours later, the post was deleted. After 47 days, I received a vague reply: "Some of the issues you raised are true, and the handling officers have been dealt with." However, there was no contact with me. How was it handled? What parts are untrue? Why are those police officers still enforcing the law and "serving the people"?

On July 20th, I wrote a report to Mayor Bai Xiangyang of Shangqiu City and published the open letter on Chinese media. A few hours later, the post was deleted. To date, I have not received a response.

On July 26, I submitted a complaint letter through the official website of Suiyang District Government in Shangqiu City, and published an open letter on Chinese media. A few hours later, the post was deleted. The report listed the Secretary Sun Jingquan of Suiyang District Committee, the District Chief Li Changdong of Suiyang District Government, the Secretary Xin Yongli of Suiyang District Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Procurator Ma Nanhua of Suiyang District Procuratorate. Up to now, I have not received any response.

On July 30, I wrote a report to the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu, Li Guosheng, and published the open letter on Chinese media. A few hours later, the post was deleted. I have not received a response so far.

On August 1, all my media accounts in China were banned.

On August 20, I reported on the Henan Provincial Government website, and there has been no news so far.

On September 6, I went to the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, requesting the Ambassador Ouyang Yujing to deliver my report to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. On September 14, I sent an email to the Ambassador Ouyang Yujing, attaching the report as an annex. Up to now, there has been no response.

On September 19, I submitted a message to Premier Li Keqiang on the Chinese government website and published a video titled "An Open Letter to Comrade Li Keqiang, State Council Premier" on the media. I have not received a response so far.

On October 10, I published a video titled "An Open Letter to Comrade Li Xi, Member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection" on the media. On October 13, I entrusted Mr. Han Zhiqiang, the Chinese Ambassador to Thailand, through email to deliver the report to Mr. Li Xi. I have not received any information.

During this period, I also submitted reports to 12309, 12337, 12388, and 12389, but they were of no use whatsoever.

I thought that once I reached overseas, I would no longer be threatened, and my personal safety would be guaranteed. However, threats continued to follow me like a shadow, forcing me to flee multiple countries.

During my third escape, my original flight scheduled for October 17, 2023, had to be changed to October 8, 2023, due to imminent threats to my personal safety. Just five hours after landing, my father was brutally assaulted in our hometown, suffering fracture, and my son was bitten. You scoundrels, this is revenge and collective punishment. This retaliatory incident clearly falls under the categories of provocation and intentional harm, as outlined in criminal law. However, the perpetrators remain at large, enjoying impunity! This is in stark contrast to my initial questioning of police misconduct, which led to my cross-district arrest within a few hours, highlighting a significant disparity in law enforcement efficiency.

On November 21, 2023, the police station informed us of the assessment results: my father's injuries were classified as level two minor injuries, and my son's injuries were classified as slight injury. Shouldn't arrests be made now? However, up to today, the culprits remain free! Is this the so-called new era? Is this the touted full-process democracy?

I originally resided in Liangyuan District, Shangqiu City. I was pursued by the police from Suiyang District, and my father and son were assaulted in Yucheng County. The superiors of these three districts are the Shangqiu City Committee and the Shangqiu City Government.

Under the leadership of the illegal and corrupt clique led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang, I personally experienced the arbitrary arrest, abuse, arbitrary detention, and persecution by the police. The collusion between the upper and lower levels forms a political gang, is this an attempt to govern through organized crime?

I initially believed that the corruption was isolated to individual officials in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, and was an exception, not representative of the government as a whole. However, through my lawful and regulated reporting at various levels, I am surprised to find that the government departments I contacted have ignored the persecution I faced in Shangqiu, continually escalating surveillance and persecution of my family. I cannot help but suspect if this represents the will of the Chinese government.

On January 22, 2013, during the Second Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, you emphasized the unwavering commitment to strict governance within the party and the imperative to crack down on corruption. You stressed the need to target both high-ranking officials ("tigers") and lower-level bureaucrats ("flies"), resolutely investigating cases of disciplinary violations and illegal activities among leadership, while also effectively addressing corruption and improper conduct occurring at the grassroots level.

On January 13, 2020, during the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, you reiterated the importance of continuing the comprehensive crackdown on both "tigers" and "flies," with a focus on dealing with persistent cases of disciplinary violations.

Regarding the illicit and corrupt bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Party Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu,Henan, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang, I am uncertain whether to categorize them as "tigers" or "flies." Nevertheless, regardless of their classification, your directive emphasizes the need for decisive punishment.

I am writing this letter with the hope of seeking justice through legal means. However, the harsh reality tells me that if I remain within the country, I will be immediately arrested and subjected to abuse, with no guarantee of my safety. Such concerns and helplessness are experiences that I believe no one would wish to endure.

This letter is an attempt to address, albeit with skepticism, the political faction engaged in illegal and disciplinary activities, particularly led by Li Guosheng and Bai Xiangyang in Shangqiu City, Henan Province. My wish is to prevent further tragedies and ensure the well-being of the people.

As for other expectations, I am not harboring any illusions. My spirit has already withered.

In writing this letter, I am well aware of the risks I face, and I am prepared for the consequences. Death is no longer frightening to me; it is the prospect of lingering in a cesspool of existence that is truly terrifying.

To prevent deletion of this post, the permanent URL for this report is


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Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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