The UNHCR's Misdeeds (Part 4) — the Depravity and Corruption of Top Leader Filippo Grandi

Due to my current situation and the threats to my personal safety, I have been suppressing my anger. However, I can no longer remain silent in the face of the vast international organization that is UNHCR. Despite the immense risk this action entails, as a person of integrity and responsibility, I have decided to stand up and reveal the truth about UNHCR's corruption and degeneration!

I have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for my human rights activism in mainland China, forcing me to flee overseas, causing my child to drop out of school. My relentless exposure of the CCP's atrocities has also brought continuous harassment to my family: my father's arm was broken, and my son's arm was bitten. My uncompromising stance has led to persistent harassment of my relatives by the CCP.

The autocratic and dictatorial CCP is the greatest enemy of the Chinese people. Every Chinese person should rise up against the threats, persecution, and tyranny of the CCP. The resistance of the Chinese people needs the support of the world.

On October 9, 2023, I submitted a refugee application with my young daughter at the UNHCR Thailand Office. During the registration interview on November 9, the staff promised to expedite my refugee status determination (RSD), but due to the CCP agents intercepting me at the UNHCR Thailand Office, the office turned a blind eye. My RSD has seen no progress due to the CCP intervention.

In the eight months since I submitted my refugee application, I have sent 22 emails to the UNHCR Thailand Office requesting an RSD interview. Initially, they replied perfunctorily, but later, they simply ignored me.

Since December 27, 2023, I have sent more than ten complaint emails to the Inspector General's Office at UNHCR headquarters regarding corruption and collusion with the CCP. The Inspector General's Office clearly replied on March 21, 2024, stating that an investigation had been launched, but more than two months have passed without any news.

I have repeatedly reported to Hai Kyung Jun, Director of UNHCR Asia Pacific, but she blocked my social media account. I have also reported to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, but he also blocked my social media account. They are indifferent to the plight of grassroots refugees, deaf to suggestions and reports, suppressing dissenters. How are they any different from the autocratic and dictatorial CCP?

A Chinese refugee who has lived in Thailand for eight years has still not been resettled. Recently, a refugee who fled to Thailand due to anti-CCP activism was detained by immigration police and denied bail, and the UNHCR did nothing when asked for help. Shockingly, a Chinese refugee has been detained since 2003, for a total of 21 years. UNHCR, what is your mission? Mr. Filippo Grandi, is this how the UNHCR you lead helps refugees? Do you not feel ashamed?

Here is a brief introduction to Filippo Grandi:

On November 18, 2015, the General Assembly appointed Filippo Grandi as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, becoming the eleventh High Commissioner of UNHCR. His promotion and expanded authority should have made him more cautious and diligent, yet he has been busy meeting dignitaries and frequently appearing in the media to raise his profile, while ignoring the plight of refugees worldwide. Filippo Grandi began his career with UNHCR in 1988 and has worked in various countries, including Sudan, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq, and has led several disaster response missions in Kenya, Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Central Africa, Yemen, and Afghanistan. Despite his extensive experience, what have been the results of his work?

From 2005 to 2010, Filippo Grandi served as the Deputy Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and from 2010 to 2014, he served as its Commissioner-General. It is well known that during the conflict between Israel and Hamas on October 7, 2023, approximately 1,200 Israelis and foreign citizens were killed, and about 250 were taken hostage. It was later revealed that there were several subtle connections between UNRWA and armed groups, including a network of tunnels used by armed groups under UNRWA headquarters. This did not happen overnight. Were you completely unaware of this during your ten years with the organization?

During his visit to China on August 8, 2018, Filippo Grandi stated, "The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China has integrated many of UNHCR's assistance efforts in host countries, combining humanitarian aid with development assistance to seek long-term solutions to the refugee crisis." However, data from multiple global organizations show that the number of Chinese seeking asylum abroad has surged in the past decade. Mr. Grandi, you praise the CCP so highly, what is your relationship with the CCP?

The UNHCR was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1954 and 1981. I do not know how UNHCR operated in those years, but in this past year, I have personally experienced the UNHCR's cold-bloodedness, inaction, and collusion with authoritarian regimes to persecute dissidents. I have traveled to several countries, visited refugee communities, and interacted with refugees from various countries, and I can strongly feel their despair towards UNHCR. Mr. Filippo Grandi, during the past decade under your leadership, UNHCR has left many refugees in despair. You need to provide an explanation.

I am not only disappointed but also desperate with UNHCR's conduct. However, the world has a large number of refugees in need of help every day, and I cannot stand by and watch their suffering. As a refugee who has fled multiple countries and is still fleeing, I deeply understand the process from hope to disappointment to despair. I empathize with the suffering of refugees.

UNHCR needs a drastic reform, and Filippo Grandi must resign. A fair reporting system needs to be established, and the reward and punishment mechanism must be improved. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Only with fair supervision and effective rewards and punishments can every UNHCR employee truly care for refugees and serve them with heart.

One person's strength is limited. I hope like-minded individuals will join in. I also hope refugees from around the world can send evidence of the UNHCR's illegal activities. I will compile this evidence and send it to governments, dignitaries, and international organizations to expose UNHCR and Filippo Grandi's numerous illegal acts.

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Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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