To champion freedom and democracy, we declare war against the autocratic dictatorship of the General Secretary Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party

Xi Jinping, you proclaim yourself as "everything for the people," but in reality, you are a dictator. You incessantly speak of "selflessness" yet behind the scenes, you suppress dissent and promote sycophants, plunging the nation into a state of military aggression and public discontent. Your actions serve only to consolidate your power, disregarding the well-being of the people.

You consider yourself a wise strategist, but you turn a blind eye to the suffering of the persecuted. In your quest to maintain your grip on power, you show no sympathy for the civilians mistreated by officials at all levels. This callous and cruel rule leaves the people disheartened and filled with resentment.

Every move you make, every decision you take, is driven by greed for power and an obsession with control. The virtuous are sidelined, the cunning are promoted, and the vital threads of the nation are trampled upon, all in the name of the people?

Under your rule, the wrath of the heavens and the resentment of the people have become commonplace. Military aggression and internal strife have thrown the country into endless chaos. Once thriving cities now lie desolate, while the people's suffering seems inconsequential to you. Your actions only breed more anger and resistance.

What is more infuriating is your tolerance of corrupt officials to maintain your autocratic rule. Those sycophants you appointed run rampant, while upright officials are neglected. This indiscriminate tolerance fosters despair. You choose to surround yourself with officials loyal to you, ignoring the wisdom of enlightened individuals who could contribute to governing the country. Such arbitrariness and autocracy!

As a direct victim who has experienced firsthand the illegal persecution and inhumane retaliation by officials under your rule, such as Li Guosheng, Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Shangqiu, Henan Province, and Mayor Bai Xiangyang, I have reported their violations for over 11 months. The government officials either feign ignorance or act oblivious. Is this your idea of "the people being the masters"?

The nation is now in crisis, and the root cause is you, the self-proclaimed "everything for the people" emperor. Your actions have led to the decline of the country and the suffering of the people.

We have had enough of your rule, your oppression, and your indifference to the people's suffering. Now, we can only hope for your early departure from power, allowing the country to break free from the darkness of your dictatorship and rebuild a nation that genuinely seeks the well-being of its people.

Fellow citizens, in this critical moment, we need to unite and work together to remove this dictator from power. We cannot allow him to continue to torment the people, dragging the country further into chaos. We cannot let him destroy morality and harm future generations. The tasks of our generation must be completed by our generation, not left for the next. In this battle for the fate of our nation, we cannot retreat or surrender. As long as we stand united, we will reclaim a bright future for the people.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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