Xi Jinping's Major Mistakes (Part 18): Calling a Deer a Horse

Over the past decade, Xi Jinping has resorted to unprecedented centralized methods of repression to achieve his personal power expansion and dictatorial rule, manipulating information, silencing dissenting voices, and pushing China into an unprecedented dark era. Under his leadership, China has become not a country that cares about the welfare of its people or respects public opinion but a totalitarian regime that only values personal power monopoly and disregards the lives of its citizens.

1. Let's examine the so-called "loyalty to the party," which essentially means loyalty to Xi Jinping. In this system led by Xi Jinping's absolute power, officials must blindly follow the leader without principles, even if it means distorting facts and calling a deer a horse. This pursuit of "loyalty" is not only an insult to the officials themselves but also a humiliation to the ordinary people. They are forced to become submissive tools instead of true public servants serving the people. Under this system, loyalty to Xi Jinping has become the sole criterion, while the interests and rights of the people have become worthless.

2. We must reject the notion of "Four Confidences and Two Maintenances." Essentially, it demands that all Chinese people "have confidence" in his rule while simultaneously "maintaining" his dictatorial position, further strengthening the cult of personality around him. In reality, this is just to consolidate Xi Jinping's personal rule. Under this ideology, freedom of speech is severely restricted, and any criticism or dissent is suppressed as disloyalty to the leader, thus undermining the basic rights of the people.

3. Let's look at the impact of all this on the people. In this system where the personal power of the dictator reigns supreme, the rights of the people are relegated to a secondary position. Freedom of speech is restricted, preventing the expression of genuine thoughts and grievances; the rule of law is trampled, arbitrary detention and torture become commonplace; the fruits of economic development are monopolized by a few, while the lives of ordinary people remain difficult. In such a system, the people are deprived of their basic dignity and rights, which are ruthlessly trampled upon.

4. Xi Jinping's actions are not only a betrayal of the Chinese people but also a trampling of human nature and conscience. Moreover, some even put forward the absurd slogan, "Loyalty is not absolute; absolute disloyalty," which is a mockery of servility. Under his rule, many officials compete to flatter him in exchange for temporary glory, even at the expense of the people's welfare, to uphold his personal power. This political culture of seeking personal gain and prioritizing flattery over truth has become a major cancer in China's political system.

5. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi Jinping has taken advantage of this global crisis to exert his power to the extreme. He not only imposed a three-year-long draconian lockdown on the Chinese people but also exposed the essence of his dictatorship. In the face of this disaster, he used epidemic control measures to further suppress freedom of speech and strengthen his control over power.

However, despite Xi Jinping's efforts to maintain his dictatorship, he cannot stop the voice of the people. We must not remain silent, nor should we be deceived. We must dare to stand up and fight for the rights and dignity of the people.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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