Xi Jinping's Major Mistakes (Part 5): Unrestricted Strengthening of Party Leadership, Eradicating Pluralism and Competition, Turning into a Great Dictator

Since Xi Jinping took office, we have witnessed a continuous trend of Xi Jinping strengthening the position of the party's leadership. This trend not only profoundly eradicates pluralism but also pushes China towards the abyss of authoritarianism.

I. Background of Party's Centralized Unified Leadership and Authoritarianism

Since its establishment, the CCP has always emphasized the centralized unified leadership of the party, seeing it as a crucial means to ensure the stability of the regime. However, over the past decade, Xi Jinping has pushed this trend to extremes, continuously consolidating his own power through a series of political measures, further weakening the existence of other political forces, gradually evolving into excessive monopolization of power, and ultimately becoming a great dictator.

II. Disappearance of Political Pluralism

Xi Jinping continuously strengthens the leadership of the Communist Party, directly leading to the disappearance of the already limited pluralism. Pluralism is the cornerstone of democratic society, ensuring the existence of different voices and preventing the abuse of power. However, in China, other political forces both inside and outside the party have been sidelined, making it difficult for different opinions to be fully expressed. This results in a lack of effective supervision and feedback mechanisms in the policy-making process, leading to policy mistakes, errors, and irrationality.

III. Distortion of Competition Mechanisms and Deformation of Market Economy

Free competition in the market mechanism is the basic way to achieve economic prosperity. However, the continuous strengthening of the Communist Party's leadership directly leads to the distortion of the competition mechanism. Excessive government intervention in the economy, the enlargement and strengthening of state-owned enterprises, control over private enterprises, and restrictions on market competition have deprived China's market economy of genuine competitiveness. This not only damages the initiative of entrepreneurs but also hinders economic innovation and social progress.

IV. Abuse of Power and Violation of Human Rights

The continuous strengthening of party leadership has not only had a huge impact on politics and the economy but also profound consequences for human rights. The CCP, through strengthening the surveillance system, suppressing dissenting voices, and persecuting human rights defenders, has silenced freedom of speech and human rights protection. Excessive concentration of power has created conditions for the abuse of power, leading to a series of human rights abuses.

V. Spread of Officialism

The endless strengthening of the Communist Party's leadership has greatly enhanced the status of the party. Leading by the party, representing the party, and becoming a party-state have become true representations. Due to the lack of supervision mechanisms, officials at all levels are only accountable to their superiors who control their political fate, leading to extreme flattery, disgraceful behavior, promoting personality cults, and disregarding the interests of the people, making "serving the people" a hollow slogan.

Xi Jinping's continuous strengthening of the Communist Party's leadership, the eradication of political pluralism and competition, essentially strengthen his own power, leading China towards extreme authoritarianism. He not only poses a great challenge to China's own democratic development but also impacts universal values ​​in the international community. The international community should actively respond to Xi Jinping's challenges, remain vigilant, and support fighters for freedom and democracy.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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