The UNHCR, How Long Will Your Corruption Continue? (Part 2)

The UNHCR should have been a beacon of hope for refugees worldwide, providing shelter and protection for those fleeing persecution and violence. However, my firsthand experience has revealed corruption within the UNHCR, especially in the UNHCR Thailand Office. Despite my numerous requests for RSD interviews, the UNHCR Thailand Office has callously ignored me, displaying a shocking lack of empathy, accountability, and transparency.

My daughter and I have been waiting for over half a year for our refugee application to be processed at the UNHCR Thailand Office, with no RSD interview scheduled. Despite my repeated attempts to contact you, our pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

When I exposed your corruption and indifference on the official UNHCR Twitter account @Refugees, you promptly blocked me—a move reminiscent of authoritarian regimes silencing dissenting voices. It's appalling!

I once believed that the UNHCR was a beacon of hope, opening its arms and dedicating itself to providing shelter for those fleeing persecution and violence. However, instead of listening to criticism, you suppress dissenters, akin to a totalitarian regime.

I once believed that the UNHCR, as a United Nations agency, upheld freedom and human rights, with a spirit of altruism. However, after waiting for over half a year without any RSD interview from the UNHCR Thailand Office, I've encountered nothing but heartless silence despite my repeated attempts to communicate!

I once believed that the UNHCR protected the persecuted and opposed authoritarianism. However, when I was intercepted by CCP agents at the UNHCR Thailand Office entrance, I requested access to surveillance footage and sought police assistance, with emails and recordings as evidence. Yet, you remained indifferent, failing to intervene or provide protection, effectively facilitating the CCP's agents. Since then, you have neither given us an RSD interview nor responded to my emails. Are you really colluding with the CCP as rumored?

I once believed that the UNHCR had compassion and was willing to aid those in distress. Yet, my 12-year-old daughter, stranded in a foreign land, is unable to attend school, devoid of friends, and suffering from psychological distress. Your indifference to this plight is staggering!!!

I once believed that the UNHCR, as a United Nations agency, would have robust channels of communication. However, my attempts to contact High Commissioner Filippo Grandi, Deputy High Commissioner Kelly T. Clements, UNHCR Director for Asia and the Pacific Hai Kyung Jun, and the UNHCR Inspector General Office have been met with deafening silence. Is this the management system of the UNHCR?

Perhaps to you, my plight seems trivial, unworthy of mention. But for countless refugees who have been forcibly displaced and endured hardship, your inaction, indifference, and potential collusion with authoritarian regimes are unbearable burdens.

As a refugee, I have suffered far too much persecution and hardship. But I remain steadfast in my commitment to fight against corruption. I dare to resist the powerful CCP, you are certainly not exempt. The fight against corruption has begun!

The fight against corruption extends not only to authoritarian regimes but also to international organizations that deviate from their founding principles. Until the UNHCR undergoes thorough reform and correction of its wrongful practices, its advocacy for refugees will remain hollow and hypocritical.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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