After a long period of multi-department and multi-level reports, why did the evil police not fall down? ---Reveal the behind-the-scenes truth behind the evil police

In recent years, reports of police abuse of power and involvement in criminal activities have been heard from time to time. Many people couldn't help asking: Why are the evil police standing still? Why do officials and officials protect each other, form gangs, form cliques for private interests, and form cliques repeatedly? From the root of corruption and the internal and external factors of the police system, we will discuss in depth why the phenomenon of the police has survived.

First, the source of corruption

Lack of oversight and accountability: In some places, inspection systems are weak, and the concentration of power makes it difficult for oversight mechanisms to function. Some officials chose to turn a blind eye to the actions of the vicious police, or chose to protect their colleagues out of a mentality of fighting against the enemy.

Problems with the salary system: There are problems with the police salary system in some places, which has caused some police officers to feel dissatisfied, which in turn breeds corruption, and seeks additional income through embezzlement and bribery.

Weak awareness of citizens' rights and interests: In some places, citizens lack a full understanding of their rights and obligations, which has led some vicious police to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the public to carry out illegal acts, and it is difficult for the public to protect their own rights because they are not familiar with the channels for safeguarding their rights.

Second, internal factors

Unfair selection and promotion mechanism: In some places, police officers are selected and promoted by improper means such as relationships and money, allowing incompetent and incompetent police officers to enter the system and gain power. These cops may condone their wrongdoing in return for those who "helped" them.

Excessive law enforcement power: In some places, the police enjoy too much discretion in the law enforcement process, lacking effective supervision and checks and balances. This has led some evil policemen to abuse their power, use their power for personal gain, and even collude with lawless forces to form a relationship of collusion.

Organizational culture and code of conduct: Some police units have a closed and conservative organizational culture that does not allow doubts and dissent. At the same time, there is a lack of clear codes of conduct and moral standards, or even if they exist, they cannot be strictly enforced. It has made some police officers irresponsible for their actions and lack of self-discipline for misconduct.

Third, external factors

Political intervention and interest protection: In some places, political forces will intervene in police law enforcement activities, using the police as political thugs to suppress dissent and safeguard the interests of specific interest groups. This kind of political protection allows the evil police to go unpunished.

Accepting bribes and transferring benefits: Some lawless forces use bribes to infiltrate the police system in order to obtain protection and asylum from the police. And these lawless forces will form an interest conspiracy with the evil police, making the evil police unscrupulous in the process of law enforcement.

Ineffective social supervision: Social supervision of the police is one of the important means to maintain justice in law enforcement. However, in some places, the supervision mechanism for the police is not perfect, so that the vicious police can avoid public attention and questioning and continue to commit crimes.

Other abuse of power: In some places, there may be a higher level of abuse of power, which makes the whistleblower suppressed, so that the whistleblower is not resolved.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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