The Crimes of the Chinese Communist Party

The sins of the CCP are profound. Its crimes extend beyond merely accepting funding from the Comintern, inciting the overthrow of the national government, to even establishing the terrifying regime of the "Chinese Soviet Republic" under the control of foreign forces. However, what is even more heartbreaking is that the CCP has utilized the political concepts of foreign powers—democracy, freedom, and human rights—as a facade for propaganda, deceiving the people, and establishing a more authoritarian dictatorship than ever before.

The CCP has always committed atrocities under the guise of democracy and freedom, using deceitful rhetoric to deceive the people. They propagate a vision of equality and democratic freedom for all, but in reality, it is nothing but a political scam, a facade created to pursue personal power.

Under its authoritarian rule, freedom of speech is severely suppressed, dissenters are silenced, the media is stifled, and internet censorship has become emblematic. This is in complete contradiction to the democratic values they profess, and the basic rights of the people are ruthlessly trampled upon.

Even more ludicrously, the CCP has coined the term "whole-process democracy," claiming to represent the people comprehensively and emphasizing "full-chain, all-round, and full-coverage," purportedly penetrating all aspects and sectors of national political life with democracy. However, in reality, the CCP does the opposite, standing against the people and subjecting them to comprehensive surveillance and oppression, leaving no corner untouched.

What is even more shameful is that the CCP has borrowed Western political ideologies, claiming to build a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guise of pursuing the welfare of the people. However, in reality, it is all about pursuing personal power and the interests of the party by any means necessary. Once in power, the CCP readily betrays the so-called freedoms and human rights, subjecting the people to even harsher rule.

The CCP's actions on the international stage are even more infuriating. They use the slogans of democracy, freedom, and human rights to seek prestige on the international stage but support various authoritarian regimes behind the scenes, trampling the rights of people in other countries. This hypocritical diplomatic maneuvering has made the CCP a hypocrite in the international community.

Under the CCP's rule, the Chinese people suffer greatly, forced to survive within a deceitful system. They are deprived of freedom of speech, political rights, and live in a fog of information dominated by official media. The CCP has deceived its own people with a scam, turning a beautiful ideal into a nightmare of authoritarian rule.

In conclusion, the crimes of the CCP lie not only in its internal corruption and dictatorship but also in its hypocritical pretense of democracy, freedom, and human rights. The CCP is a masquerader, a political devil that deceives hearts with good intentions. People should remain vigilant against this hypocritical regime and expose its facade. For the fascist CCP, democratic countries around the world need to support the Chinese people's resistance against authoritarian dictatorship. Only when the one-fifth of the world's population, the Chinese people, are liberated can it greatly promote democracy in the world and give the people of the world a truly democratic and free future.

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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