Xi Jinping's Major Mistakes (Part 13): One-Person Dictatorship, Dictatorship Over the People

In recent years, the freedom of speech of the Chinese people has suffered unprecedented severe repression, with the voices of the media and journalists being ruthlessly suppressed. Under the shadow of one-person dictatorship, the guise of people's dictatorship has concealed a severe deviation from the national system. This is not only a crackdown on the media but also an imprisonment of the people's minds and a ruthless suppression of freedom of speech.

I. Restriction on the Media

Xi Jinping's control over the media has become increasingly tight. Under the policy of "the media must be aligned with the Party," almost all mainstream media have become propaganda organs, losing their independence and objectivity. News reporting is shaped as a political tool rather than a medium for conveying real information. Any voice contrary to its position is branded as "disharmonious" or "dangerous" and mercilessly pushed to the margins of public opinion.

This strict control over the media has deprived the public of avenues to access diverse information. Once the media loses its independence, the space for public opinion becomes narrow, and people can only hear voices that have been filtered and censored. Such an environment not only restricts freedom of speech but also destroys the diversity of public opinion, causing the truth to vanish.

II. Journalists Facing Suppression

The healthy state of freedom of speech relies on the courage and perseverance of journalists. However, under the leadership of Xi Jinping and the CCP system, the work of journalists has become increasingly difficult. Reporting that disagrees with its policies may lead to journalists losing their jobs, facing punishment, or even being sentenced to prison. This suppression makes the path of journalists pursuing the truth full of thorns, as they dare not or cannot bravely expose the dark side of society.

The suppression of journalists not only harms individual rights but also seriously damages the societal mechanism of supervision. The media serves as the eyes of society, reflecting social phenomena accurately and supervising the government's actions only in an environment of full freedom of speech. When journalists are forced to self-censor or yield to power, society loses an important self-correcting mechanism, providing opportunities for corruption and injustice to thrive.

III. One-Person Dictatorship

Xi Jinping's one-person dictatorship has dealt a more profound blow to freedom of speech. The power of a one-person dictator is boundless; they can arbitrarily define the boundaries of speech and suppress dissenting voices at will. This kind of dictatorship renders freedom of speech hypocritical, turning it into a mere paper tiger. Once the top leader possesses absolute power, public opinion becomes their tool rather than a platform for public expression.

Under a one-person dictatorship, the diversity of speech is stifled, the truth is manipulated, and societal progress is hindered. One-person dictators, by controlling the dominant discourse, drive the country towards a desert of thought, where people can only hear one voice, and thinking can only occur within narrow boundaries. This authoritarianism in speech undoubtedly impedes social development and citizens' rights.

IV. The Hypocritical Facade of People's Dictatorship

The CCP, led by Xi Jinping, claims to advocate for people's democratic dictatorship, but in reality, it is a form of authoritarian rule over the people. Freedom of speech is part of the people's rights, yet the CCP's suppression of speech has made the people's voices feeble. Once people cannot freely express their opinions and criticize the government, people's dictatorship becomes a mere empty slogan, turning into dictatorship over the people.

Under the hypocritical facade of people's dictatorship, the actuality is the deprivation of people's rights. Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of a mature society, yet the CCP's suppression of speech threatens to topple this cornerstone. Under the hypocritical facade of people's dictatorship, the reality is suppression and control over the people, strangling the normal functioning of society.

V. Calling for the Attention of the International Community

The CCP's restriction on freedom of speech is a severe violation of human rights and a great deviation from democratic principles. We cannot stand by as freedom of speech is trampled under the iron hoof of one-person dictatorship, nor can we allow one-person dictators to control societal thought. We need to dare to stand up, speak out, and defend the right to freedom.

The international community should pay attention to and condemn the CCP's suppression of freedom of speech. Through international sanctions, eliminate the CCP's illegal and arrogant behavior. Support the Chinese people's struggle for freedom and democracy, jointly promote the popularization of freedom of speech, and help China move towards an open, fair, and democratic society.

Arise, arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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