Xi Jinping, you should take the blame and resign immediately

Xi Jinping, you claim to let the people be the masters, repeatedly proclaiming that everything is for the people, and that the people are the foundation of the country. However, what you advocate as "people being the masters" is nothing more than a facade to cover up your pursuit of power. You show a lack of concern for the well-being of the people, using anti-corruption as a means to exercise authoritarian rule. Through heavy-handed stability maintenance, you ruthlessly persecute innocent citizens, leaving the people living in dire circumstances.

Some say that your crackdown on officials falls into two extremes:

1. Any official who opposes you or expresses dissent is punished through party discipline and laws. If no reason is found, a retrospective investigation of 20 years is conducted, meticulously listing charges even if they are retired.

2. Officials who align with you, regardless of how illegal, corrupt, or harmful to the people they are, face no consequences.

Your tolerance and protection of corrupt officials allow these unscrupulous individuals to only seek favor from their superiors, turning a blind eye to the suffering of the common people.

I reside in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, and due to questioning the illegal actions of the police, I was unlawfully arrested. When I reported the situation to higher-level government officials, I faced the threat of a second arrest. Unable to pursue legal action, as I would be arrested before reaching the courthouse, I was forced into exile overseas.

For eleven months, I reported to the district public security bureau, district government, city public security bureau, city government, provincial government, State Council, and various relevant departments, but received no response.

I published evidence of their illegal actions and my reports online. Unable to catch me, they banned all my media accounts within the country. Is this the freedom and democracy you speak of? Do you have any shame left?

They broke my father's arm, causing a fracture, and injured my son by biting him. They are engaging in widespread reprisals. If they apply the system of ancient China's Qin Dynasty to your modern era, do you think there is any honor in their actions?

My father's injuries were assessed as second-degree minor, and my son's injuries were identified as slight injury. According to Chinese law, this falls under the category of a serious criminal offense. However, three months have passed, and the police have not taken any action. The perpetrator is still at large and enjoying impunity!

Xi Jinping, is this what you call ruling by law? Are you slapping your own face, or have you lost all sense of shame?

As a software engineer with my own company, I had a decent life. Now, I am forced into exile overseas. Is this your era of peace and prosperity? Is your skin thick, or have you lost all sense of shame?

My child was forced to drop out of school. Is this your so-called socialist core values?

Under your rule, Li Guosheng, the First Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang have become your trusted assistants. They recklessly arrest and persecute innocent people in Shangqiu City. These two officials wield power, act recklessly, and turn a blind eye to the lives and rights of the people. As long as you do not align with their wishes, you become a target of their arbitrary persecution.

Li Guosheng and Bai Xiangyang, leading an illegal and corrupt bureaucratic group, not only abuse their power but also treat it as a tool for personal gain. They can freely abuse their power for personal profit in the areas they govern, and you seem either oblivious to or silently approving of these actions. This turns Shangqiu City into a lawless place, where these officials act with impunity, causing immense suffering to the people.

In this hypocritical nation, those who report officials often become the most victimized group. Whether reporting corruption or exposing abuses of power, they face suppression and retaliation. I am a vivid example.

More infuriating is that they not only retaliate against the whistleblower but also target their family members. Due to my report against the illegal actions of Li Guosheng, the First Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang's leading illegal and corrupt bureaucratic group, I am forced into exile overseas, and my family is subjected to unjust persecution. This cold-blooded and cruel treatment is horrifying.

Under such rule, the people's grievances are overwhelming, and their anger is boiling. However, you remain indifferent, showing no concern for the people's suffering. Reporting becomes a distant hope, and the rule of law becomes an empty promise, turning this nation into the dominion of an authoritarian ruler like yourself.

In this nation, wearing the cloak of pseudo-goodness and practicing authoritarianism in reality, you are indeed a true authoritarian ruler. You tolerate the reckless actions of Li Guosheng and Bai Xiangyang, allowing people to see the suffering of the people under your rule.

As a staunch supporter of the rule of law, despite facing imminent danger to my life, I will not give up the pursuit of justice and freedom. I believe that only by exposing the truth, upholding the rule of law, resisting tyranny, can the people truly become the masters of the country. Only then can this nation return to the people and the path of the rule of law.

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Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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