Xi Jinping's Major Mistakes (Part 8): Indoctrination of Xi Jinping Thought, Political Interference, and Restrictions Hampering Economic Development

In recent years, the CCP has consistently touted so-called Xi Jinping Thought as the centerpiece of education, attempting to consolidate its power by indoctrinating the people. However, this shameless brainwashing not only subjects innovation to political interference and restrictions but also severely hinders healthy economic development.

1. The Hollow Nature of Xi Jinping Thought

Xi Jinping Thought is adorned with the name "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era," yet its essence is hollow indoctrination of the people's thoughts. What kind of thinking can one expect from someone at an elementary school level? Memorizing books before going abroad, delivering scripted speeches—even stumbling over words—and domestically enforcing anti-corruption measures, centralization of power, exclusion of dissent, favoring sycophants, revival of the Cultural Revolution, party over governance, speech control, and wolf warrior diplomacy. Is this your idea of thought? This education guided by personal worship only serves to narrow people's minds, preventing free development and innovation.

2. Confinement of People's Thoughts and Suffocation of Innovation

Through mandatory promotion of Xi Jinping Thought, the CCP has increasingly constrained people's thinking. Across mainland China, any views diverging from Xi Jinping Thought are suppressed. This not only mutilates academic freedom but also poses a serious threat to innovation. Innovation requires diverse ideological collisions and a climate of free discussion, not a rigid mindset.

3. Political Interference Leading to Stagnation in Innovation

Under CCP control, political interference has become a lock on the door of innovation. Enterprises and research institutions are frequently disturbed by political power in their pursuit of innovation, fearing to touch sensitive areas. Such political restrictions on innovation directly result in technological backwardness and economic stagnation. A society of free innovation can stand out globally, yet CCP's political constraints become the biggest roadblock to innovation.

4. Hindrance of Economic Development by Brainwashing Education

Brainwashing education not only mutilates people's thoughts but also directly impedes economic development. In this age of information explosion, innovation and diversified thinking are keys to economic development. CCP's brainwashing education deprives people of their right to pursue truth and knowledge, leading society into greater ignorance. Yet an ignorant society can never achieve lasting prosperity.

5. Calling for People's Awakening and Liberation of Thought

To change this situation, people need to awaken and pursue liberation of thought. Regarding brainwashing education, people should bravely speak out, striving for genuine academic freedom and freedom of speech. The CCP should cease its forced indoctrination of thought, allowing people more choice and room for contemplation. Only in such an atmosphere of freedom can people's creativity be sparked, propelling societal progress.

CCP's brainwashing education is not only an infringement on people's thoughts but also a severe hindrance to innovation and economic development. We should stand up against this policy of fooling the people and strive for freedom of thought. We also hope for international support for the liberation struggle of the Chinese people, to completely eradicate authoritarian dictatorship and welcome a future of freedom and democracy!

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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