Overthrow autocracy, eliminate dictatorship!
Eliminating Xi Jinping's Illegal Dictatorship as the Chief of the CCP

China, a country with a civilization spanning five thousand years, is now tightly controlled by a dictator who has stripped the people of their most fundamental political rights.

The wave of democracy has long swept across the world. From the U.S. presidential election last November to Germany's recently concluded federal election, these nations determine their leaders through free elections. Yet, China remains mired in autocratic rule, with Xi Jinping further solidifying his personal dictatorship, plunging the country into deeper political darkness.

I was persecuted by a corrupt bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the former secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, China, and the mayor Bai Xiangyang, forcing me to flee China. I lawfully and systematically reported corruption from the grassroots level to the highest authorities, only to find collusion at every level with no accountability. The root cause is the lack of genuine electoral rights, freedom, and democracy for the people—only the autocracy of the CCP and Xi Jinping's dictatorship. As a witness and victim, I urge everyone to unite in eliminating Xi Jinping's illegal dictatorship.

1. Fake Elections, True Dictatorship

The CCP has ruled for over 70 years without ever granting its people real electoral rights. Every so-called "election" is merely an internal power struggle, with no participation from the public. Xi Jinping further entrenched his dictatorship by amending the Constitution to remove presidential term limits, blatantly establishing himself as a "leader for life" and pushing China's political system back toward imperial rule.

2. Economic Decline and the Hardship of the People

Xi Jinping's dictatorship not only stifles political freedom but has also plunged China's economy into crisis. The large-scale expansion of state-owned enterprises at the expense of private businesses, endless power struggles, extreme pandemic policies, and irrational foreign aid spending have led to a full-scale economic downturn. Businesses are closing, unemployment is surging, and property values are plummeting, making life increasingly difficult for ordinary citizens. Yet, Xi Jinping remains indifferent, indulging in personal glorification and power consolidation without a care for the suffering of the people.

3. Suppressing Dissent and Stripping Freedoms

The Chinese people have not only been denied electoral rights but have also been deprived of basic freedoms of speech and the press. Anyone who dares to criticize the CCP faces suppression or even persecution unto death. Surveillance is omnipresent, and the slightest misstep in speech leads to censorship and punishment. Under such totalitarian rule, the people are forced into silence while Xi Jinping brazenly tightens his grip on power.

4. Reckless Foreign Spending, National Humiliation

On the international stage, Xi Jinping recklessly squanders national resources to support authoritarian regimes, spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign aid while ordinary Chinese citizens struggle to make ends meet. Even more infuriating is that Xi Jinping’s actions have fostered worldwide discrimination against Chinese people, worsening their treatment abroad.

5. Overthrowing Dictatorship and Rebuilding a Democratic China

Xi Jinping’s dictatorship has pushed China into a dead end, devastating the people's freedoms, dignity, and economic well-being. When will China have real elections? When will Xi Jinping's dictatorship be overthrown? The answer lies in the awakening and action of the people. We must unite, speak out courageously, and dismantle the CCP’s authoritarian rule to fight for China's freedom and democracy.

The Chinese people must rise up, resist oppression, and reclaim their rightful freedoms. Only by ending Xi Jinping’s dictatorship and establishing a free, democratic, and law-based nation can China truly have hope for the future!

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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