A Public letter to the Mayor of Shangqiu Government

This letter was sent on 2023-07-20 and received on 2023-07-24. The first picture is the express waybill, and the second picture is a partial screenshot of the waybill status. The names and phone numbers on the two pictures have been hidden, and the courier tracking numbers and barcodes have also been processed. Neither the pictures nor the contents of the letters involve private information. The purpose of publishing this letter is to uphold the principle of transparency. The following is the detailed content of the letter.

Dear the Mayor Bai Xiangyang of Shangqiu Government,

Hello, now report to you:
1. The Xincheng Police Department of Suiyang District, Shangqiu City falsely filed a case.
2. The Xincheng Police Department of Suiyang District, Shangqiu City illegally arrested me across districts.
3. The Xincheng Police Department in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City illegally detains law-abiding citizens, seriously threatening their lives.
4. The Xincheng Police Department in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City illegally infringed on citizen information and destroyed evidence.
5. The Xincheng Police Department of Suiyang District, Shangqiu City fails to fulfill its duties.

The reason why I am writing to you is because this arrest spans Suiyang District and Liangyuan District, and is related to the safety of people’s lives, the rule of law and business environment in Shangqiu City, etc. I hope that Shangqiu City will have a better tomorrow!

Here's what happened:

1. Because my electric vehicle was stolen in the First People's Hospital of Shangqiu on February 9, after I went to the Xincheng Police Department to report to the police, the case was never filed, and no reason was given for not filing the case. At noon on February 17, I posted a video "My Doubts - To the Public Security Bureau of Suiyang District, Shangqiu City" on Douyin and Kuaishou platforms.
2. At 23:19 that night, Team Leader Chen of the No. 4 Trial Team of Suiyang District Xincheng Police Department led two policemen in plain clothes and drove a private car across the district to my residential area. They called to wake me up and asked me to go downstairs to their car to discuss things. Captain Chen just let me see the work permit, and the others did not show their permits. I was asked to delete the posts, but I refused, and immediately took me to the police Department to make a statement (this is their wording).
3. I still don’t know the names of the two policemen led by Captain Chen. For the convenience of the following description, the overweight police is referred to as "fat policeman" and the thin police are referred to as "thin policeman”. During the process of recording their statements, they all had audio and video recordings.
4. The thin policeman was in charge of recording the statement. During the period, he suddenly took off his coat, rushed to me, stared at me, and made a gesture to hit me. He also said: "When you get here, you can't help yourself", the words are full of sarcasm.
5. The fat policeman failed to unlock my phone without permission, so he walked up to me, stared at me, and asked me to unlock the phone. The implication was that if i was disobedient, i would be beaten. At that time, I was really scared and had to unlock the phone. He took my mobile phone to download Douyin, Kuaishou App, etc., and tried to log in to delete the posts, but failed. Afterwards he took my mobile phone out, and when he brought it in a few hours later, the records of my previous calls with the Xincheng Police Department were gone. What kind of behavior is this?
6. At around 4 am on February 18, they asked me to sign the so-called confession. Because the content on the document is significantly different from what I said, I refuse to sign it. At this time, Captain Chen said something that still makes my back shiver: "It is still valid if he does not sign the note."
7. Captain Chen then took me into a room and asked me to take out my mobile phone, keys, and belt and hand them over to them to sign for safekeeping, then searched me, and locked me in a waiting room (there were 9 people in the waiting room, one of them was in handcuffs). The policeman in charge of the waiting room asked Captain Chen how to write the reason. Captain Chen said that he was posting false news. I didn't know until now: I was charged with this crime. Sleepless all night!
8. Around 08:20, Captain Chen brought me out. When I met Director Yang, something strange happened to me. Director Yang was reading my phone and said that someone I knew would call me soon. Sure enough, a few minutes later, someone from my native place called me to discuss the matter and asked me to keep quiet. I also didn't want this matter to spread in my circle of friends and classmates, so I agreed to delete the post. After deleting the post at 10:04, I notified Captain Chen.
9. When making a statement on the night of February 17, Captain Chen told me that the case of losing the electric vihicle had been filed on February 15, but there was no notice of filing and no text messages. According to Captain Chen, he has never been given a notice of filing a criminal case since he started his work. At 12:18 on February 20, I sent a text message to Captain Chen asking for a case registration number, but he did not give it. At 14:02 on March 1, I sent a text message to Captain Chen asking for the relevant procedures to take me away, but there was no reply.
10. At 09:50 on March 13, Captain Chen called me that the price appraisal had been completed, and the Yadea electric vehicle was 900 yuan, and the Tiantang umbrella was 10 yuan. At 16:50 in the afternoon, I arrived at the Xincheng Police Department. Just as I expected, Director Yang was waiting for me at the door of the conference room. Director Yang talked to me about some things, and I promised not to pursue it. After a while, Captain Chen entered. I wanted to see the price appraisal certificate, but was rejected, only the price appraisal conclusion. I asked for a new price appraisal. Captain Chen immediately called the Price Bureau and said that if the object appraisal is not approved, there are at most three opportunities for price appraisal. I immediately said that the price appraisal should be repeated. Director Yang and Captain Chen both agreed. Then Captain Chen left, and Director Yang talked to me about my arrest again. I walked out of the conference room and saw three or four policemen standing not far away. I was just a little strange at the time. When I turned the corner of the corridor, Director Yang sighed loudly. I could hear the disgust and disdain. I instantly thought of those policemen, and understood why they were standing there. In other words, if I disagree with Director Yang's request, I will be taken away.
11. At 10:23 on March 14th, I sent Captain Chen a WeChat message, hoping that Captain Chen would ask whether the perpetrator is willing to pay compensation according to the price to avoid subsequent lawsuits, as well as a few questions about the prosecution. Then I called Captain Chen, hoping to read WeChat message. Captain Chen just said on WeChat that he asked me to go to his department to explain to me face to face. There is no further news.
12. As a victim, my electric vehicle was first stolen, and then I was forcibly taken away by the police in the middle of the night to record a statement, and they also threatened me, invaded my mobile phone without authorization, violated my personal information, wiped out evidence, searched me, and arrested me. I was locked up in a waiting room with people in handcuffs, I couldn't sleep all night, and the next morning I was in a trance. If I had been detained for a little longer, I guess my life would have been given. The four policemen, as state employees, have committed serious violations of law and discipline and have been suspected of criminal offenses.
13. I will submit the specific key evidence on the relevant platform. If anyone dares to make false statements on my arrest, evade major issues, etc., I will disclose all the evidence in the media. If someone contacts my family members, relatives, friends, etc., I consider it harassment and threats, and I will take further action.
14. The electric vehicle was bought online for 2,399 RMB during Double Eleven promotional activities. Now the market price is about 3,000 RMB. After only two years of use, how could it be appraised for 900 RMB? I applied for re-appraisal, but they refused to appraise it. I want it Sue the perpetrator, but do not give me the necessary information for the prosecution, Xincheng Police Department, what on earth are you going to do?
15. I gave in and endured again and again, but the Xincheng Police Department made an inch of it. I didn't intend to expose it, and I promised not to pursue it anymore, but the Xincheng Police Department didn't keep its word and didn't handle what should be handled, so I could only report it.
16. Being an official for one term will benefit one place. In order to improve the people's sense of happiness, at least give the people a sense of security, but I feel the threat of personal safety. If we want to increase investment attraction, we must create a good business environment. If personal safety is not guaranteed, how can we talk about investment attraction?

I have always been law-abiding and believe in the rule of law. I have studied administrative procedure law, civil code, and civil procedure law before, and used the knowledge I have learned to safeguard my legal rights. I have never studied criminal law, administrative punishment law, etc., because I never thought of dealing with the police.
After this incident, I carefully read the laws, regulations, notices, etc. in this regard. It is believed that a number of policemen in this incident committed multiple consecutive violations of the law and have been involved in criminal offences.
As early as March 8, I had already written a letter to Director Tan Zhenqi of the Suiyang District Public Security Bureau and sent it by postal express. He just asked Director Yang of Xincheng Police Department to deal with it, and Director Yang was one of the policemen I wanted to reveal, so there was no result.
On July 17, I published "A Public Letter to Director Huang Jiheng of Shangqiu Public Security Bureau" on the media, and also submitted a form through the director's mailbox on the website of Shangqiu Public Security Bureau, and left a contact information. So far, no response has been received.
This time I am writing to you, I just narrate the process like a running account, please handle it according to the law and regulations, uphold justice, and give the people a blue sky.
The reason why I came abroad was because I faced threats to my personal safety in Shangqiu, Henan, China. They can cross districts, and of course they can also cross provinces. They can arrest me and imprison me at any time. Maybe there will be some accident, and my life will be over.
When I was abroad, my mobile phone was turned off. If you need evidence or communication, please send an email.
I have been paying attention to Shangqiu's local Weibo public account, etc., hoping that I can see the treatment of these policemen on it,
All the content I publish will be synchronized on my personal website, and you can see it by clicking "Events".
I will release explanations on the details of this arrest in the media one after another.

Yours sincerely!

Xi Jinping needs to take responsibility for this and should resign!

I have reported the illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang from the grassroots level to the highest level in accordance with the law. Xi Jinping, where is your anti-corruption campaign in the regime you lead?

The illegal and disciplinary bureaucratic group led by Li Guosheng, the Secretary of the CCP in Shangqiu city, Henan Province, and the Mayor Bai Xiangyang

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